Seniority Lists Officers (Non-Technical)

Sr. No. Download Order No. Description
1   Final Seniority List of AAO : OM No. 3822-HR-01/ VUNL/ 2024-24-HR-01/2005(TC-4) Dated. 27.07.2024
Size : 925 KB | Lang : Hindi | Date: 27-07-2024
2   Final Seniority List of AO : OM No. 3821-HR-01/ VUNL/ 2024-24-HR-01/2005(TC-3) Dated. 27.07.2024
Size : 657 KB | Lang : Hindi | Date: 27-07-2024
3   Final Seniority List of Personnel Officers: OM No.4622/HR-01/VUNL/2018-16-HR-01/2016(TC-3) Dated-22.12.2018
Size : 894 KB | Lang : Hindi | Date: 27-11-2018
4   Tentative Seniority List of Personnel Officers: OM No. 4091/HR-01/VUNL/2018-16/HR-01/2016(TC-3) Dated_05.11.2018
Size : 229 KB | Lang : Hindi | Date: 14-11-2018
5   Redrassal of Represntations of Account Officers against Tentative Seniority List : OM No.587-HR-01/VUNL/2018-24-HR-01/2005(TC-3) Dt. 21.02.2018
Size : 2.6 MB | Lang : Hindi
6   Final Seniority list for Account Officers: OM No.588-HR-01/VUNL/2018-24-HR-01/2005(TC-3) Dt. 21.02.2018
Size : 459 KB | Lang : Hindi
7   Tentative Seniority Lists of AAOs for year (2013-14),(2014-15),(2015-16) & (2016-17) : OM No. 3792-HR-01/VUNL/2017-24-HR-01/2005 (TC-3) Dt. 16.10.2017
Size : 581 KB | Lang : Hindi
8   Tentative Seniority Lists of AOs for year (2015-16) & (2016-17) : OM No. 3791-HR-01/VUNL/2017-24-HR-01/2005 (TC-3) Dt. 16.10.2017
Size : 539 KB | Lang : Hindi
9   Final Seniority Lists of AAOs : OM No. 1062-HR-01/VUNL/2015-24-HR-01/2005 (TC-3) Dt. 02.05.2015
Size : 351 KB | Lang : Hindi
10   Final Seniority Lists of AOs : OM No. 1061-HR-01/VUNL/2015-24-HR-01/2005 (TC-3) Dt. 02.05.2015
Size : 376 KB | Lang : Hindi
11   Tentative Seniority Lists of AAOs : OM No. 136-HR-01/VUNL/2015-24-HR-01/2005 (TC-3) Dt. 13.01.2015
Size : 576 KB | Lang : Hindi
12   Tentative Seniority Lists of AOs : OM No. 135-HR-01/VUNL/2015-24-HR-01/2005 (TC-3) Dt. 13.01.2015
Size : 403 KB | Lang : Hindi
13   Final Seniority Lists of Officers (Medical Cadre) : OM No. 4062-HR-01/VUNL/2012-03-HR-01/2004 Dt. 06.10.2012
Size : 605 KB | Lang : Hindi
14   Tentative Seniority Lists of Officers (Medical Cadre) : OM No. 2970-HR-01/VUNL/2012-03-HR-01/2004 Dt. 21.08.2012
Size : 1.3 MB | Lang : Hindi
15   Final Seniority Lists of Officers (Account & Audit Cadre) : OM No. 1996-HR-01/VUNL/2007-24-HR-01/2005 Dt. 06.10.2007.
Size : 97.4 KB | Lang : Hindi
16   Final Seniority Lists of Officers( Personnel Cadre) : OM No. 1408-HR-01/VUNL/2006-15-HR-01/2006 Dt. 22.05.2006.
Size : 53.2 KB | Lang : Hindi
17   Final Seniority Lists of Officers (Medical Cadre) : OM No. 1407-HR-01/VUNL/2006-3-HR-01/2004 Dt. 22.05.2006
Size : 115 KB | Lang : Hindi